What’s the difference between content optimization and SEO?

Posted On 24 Mar 2021
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Keyword optimization is a framework for SEO. Similarly, you could say that topic modeling (how words and phrases are interrelated) is a framework for content optimization. With the rise of semantic search, the goal is to cover a topic rather than zoning in on a specific keyword. Think “content strategy” rather than “keyword density.” Avoid […]

Keyword optimization is a framework for SEO. Similarly, you could say that topic modeling (how words and phrases are interrelated) is a framework for content optimization. With the rise of semantic search, the goal is to cover a topic rather than zoning in on a specific keyword. Think “content strategy” rather than “keyword density.”

Avoid creating disjointed pages optimized for a specific keyword. In this white paper from MarketMuse, you will learn how to create authoritative content, as well as:

  • Understand the intent behind a query.
  • Shift toward “content strategy” rather than “keyword density.”
  • The difference between content optimization and SEO.

Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “Content Optimization vs SEO: What’s The Difference?”

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