
Tips on how to Focus on Your Visitors With Facebook Ads

Facebook has further reduced the organic reach of brands and publishers in the news feed to emphasize updates of friends and family. Understanding why people share content on Facebook will help you create content that is more likely to attract engagement, in the form of likes,...

Facebook Give Preference to Friends and Family Updates

Facebook will soon alter the way its 1.65 billion users discover stories in their News Feed. The social network will give preference to updates from friends and family over brands, the company announced. Why Is Facebook Making This Change? In a separate blog post today that tries...

Twitter Announced a New Feature ‘Stickers’

Earlier this week, Twitter announced a new feature called ‘Stickers’. Essentially, theses are a mash-up of hashtags, emoticons, and Snapchat filters all in one easy-to-use photo features. Like hashtags, stickers are also searchable. After you use one you can then click on the...

On Demand Google Test Internet Speed

Following in Bing’s footsteps, Google has been spotted testing out its own native internet speed testing tool directly in the search results pages. It appears that the test has not rolled out for everyone, but some searchers have reported seeing it after typing “check internet...

A New Look Of Facebook In Like Button

The Facebook Like has a new look. The Like button, which is embedded on millions of web pages, is getting the “f” out and replacing it with the familiar thumbs up icon. The Like count will appear within the new blue button. Here’s a comparison of the current Like design and how...

Now On Twitter Share Videos Upto 140 Seconds

Just as you have 140 characters per tweet, you can now share videos up to 140 seconds in length on Twitter, the company has announced. Twitter introduced the ability to add video in 2015. Until now, you could only upload 30-second videos (except for a few select advertisers, who...

Some Reasons Snapchat Lenses Are a Genius Ad Product

If you’re under 25 and own a smartphone, you’ve likely spent too much time primping and posing with Snapchat lenses. If you have a mortgage, you may be asking yourself: What are Snapchat lenses? They’re a rotating set of filters that alter your face in real-time. They’re pretty...

First Day of Summer- The Summer Solstice Coincided With a Strawberry Moon

Waiting until nearly nightfall, Google has posted its Summer Solstice doodle on its U.S. homepage to observe the first day of summer and longest day of the year. This year, Google’s Summer Solstice doodle had something extra to mark beyond the changing of seasons. For the first...

Three New Ways to Reach Pinterest’s Audience

Up until now, Pinterest ad targeting has been super basic. You’ve been limited to options like location, language, device, and gender. But Pinterest advertising is about to get some much-needed features that have been available on Google, Facebook, and Twitter for quite some...

Google Adwords “Ad” Colour Is Now Updated With Green

If you have been seeing more green lately with respect to Google AdWords, and we don’t just mean monetarily, it’s not just you. Google has changed the colors of its ad tags to the color green. This replaces the color yellow of the previous “Ad” tags. Google is no stranger to...