ATIF Signs Two New Listing Advisory Agreements

Posted On 22 Jul 2024
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ATIF Business Management LLC has entered into a listing advisory services agreement with two U.S. based technology companies. ATIF is expected to receive 2% of equity in shares from each company as service fee.

Under the terms of the agreement, the Company will provide the clients with IPO advisory services and lead the clients’ IPO process through the company’s team and the engagement of third parties for audit, valuation, stock exchange advisory, investor relations and other IPO services.

Liu Jun, president, chairman of the board and chief executive officer of ATIF, said: “ATIF has always been committed to providing clients with superior solutions and quality products, as well as protecting their privacy and trade secrets. We are deeply honored to have earned our customers’ trust in ATIF and will make every effort to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation. We are confident that through our expertise and experience, we will be able to provide our customers with the best solutions to achieve mutual success. With this cooperation, the two parties have established a close cooperation relationship and a foundation of mutual trust, and we hope to provide more service support to our customers in the future.”

About ATIF

ATIF Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: ATIF) is a Lake Forest-based business consulting company that specializes in providing professional IPO, M&A advisory and post-IPO compliance services to small and medium-sized companies seeking to go public on a stock exchange in the United States. The company has a proven track record in successfully delivering comprehensive U.S. IPO consulting services to clients primarily in the United States but also internationally. The mission of ATIF is to provide one-stop, comprehensive consulting services that guide clients through the complex and often challenging process of going public. ATIF recognizes the complexity and challenges associated with the process of going public, and endeavors to simplify it while ensuring optimal outcomes for its clients through its comprehensive consulting services. ATIF has been awarded the “Golden Bauhinia Award”, the highest award in the financial and securities industry in Hong Kong, for “Top 10 Best Listed Companies”.

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