Did The Google Medic Update Make Search Worse? Show Google Examples.

Posted On 04 Sep 2018
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Google is asking you to provide examples of how the search results are now worse off since after the Google Medic update which was released on August 1st as a core broad Google algorithm update. Gary Illyes said let him know examples on Twitter and do not just say that a competitor now outranks you.

Gary Illyes from Google said “give examples (query, location, bad result with explanation) and I’ll forward it to the team, like i did for other people.” He added “note that “OMG my competition is ranking better now” is not a good example.” Here is the tweet if you want to reply to it on Twitter:

This comes from how many are now looking at Panda SEO tips to try to recover from this Medic Update.

For more on this update, see our Google Medic Update category.

Forum discussion at Twitter.


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