New Google Help Document Released That Defines Search Analytics Position, Impressions and Clicks

Posted On 03 Aug 2016
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This morning, Google has released a new help document that defines the metrics used on the Google Search Analytics report that webmasters can find within the Google Search Console.

The document even goes through how these metrics change based on the type of result. For example, an impression for a basic blue link in the search results is counted when the page loads, but not when the user scrolls past the result. But an impression for a result in a carousel only is counted when the user scrolls past the result.

This document is a living document; Google wrote the definitions may change in this document. Google wrote, “The heuristics described here — such as the visibility requirement for an item in a carousel, or the position numbering—are subject to change.”

I strongly recommend that anyone reading this site spend the time to thoroughly review the document and fully understand it. It is important for you to understand how Google defines positions and impressions and clicks in these reports. The reports are incredibly valuable for any webmaster, and it’s important to make sure you understand what the report means.

We will try to track any changes to this document and keep you updated on those changes.

Source: Searchengineland

Peter Zmijewski is the founder and CEO at KeywordSpy. His expert knowledge on Internet Marketing practices and techniques has earned him the title “Internet Marketing Guru“ He is also an innovator, investor and entrepreneur widely recognized by the top players in the industry.

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